Channel the Emotions Smartly

Yusra Ahmed
3 min readOct 23, 2020
A painting by the author

Life does not do anyone favors and there comes a lot of moments where you are left bereft and stressed. At these times you often find yourself at the receiving end of this clichéd suggestion — vent out.

It is quite evident, in the form of actual human experience, that speaking up about your painful experience or a pertaining problem can catalyze the internal confrontation and, in most cases, help in channeling the power to move on.

Having said this, the action of venting does not completely free the person from the irrevocable damage, but it helps get better and soften the pain.

People feel emotions differently. Some feel them rather intensely, some mildly, some for a very long time and some not at all. We all have different tendencies and capabilities for accepting things and letting them go. But we can always learn and practice to take control of our emotions.

Channeling the raging energies inside is important if you are struggling for a peaceful and mindful life. As a matter of fact, it is the first step to a happy life.

There are many therapies and well-researched practices around the world to help you get your emotions straight but if you are seeking some quick remedial practices then these few easy steps can help you sort out the emotional complexities and calm your nerves in difficult situations.

Identify the problem

The first and foremost step you must take is understanding your position in the whole fiasco. Where do you stand and why do you stand here? This is the step where you ask yourself questions and find their answers.

You contemplate the cause of your emotional disturbance. By identifying the root cause, you will start seeing things a little clearer because now you will be looking for ways to ‘eradicate’ that root cause.

It can be your boss, your workplace, excessive consumption of social media, a stuck-up friend, unreciprocating love, etc.

Change your perspective

This point is essential, and it is not difficult to master now that you know the underlying cause of your constant negativity. If a person is causing you trouble, morph your perspective into something like, maybe the person is having his troubles that you are unaware of.

In a workplace, change your thoughts into something like, maybe the boss assigned you extra work because he is unaware that you are already over-loaded. Or just keep it creative, like ‘maybe his wife left him’.


There is one important rule of life, you are your best caretaker. No one in the world would help you throughout your life but ‘yourself’.

Now, self-care is not only treating yourself with pizza or getting yourself a gift. It is also walking away from a difficult situation, leaving a toxic friend, quitting a stressful job, deleting social apps for a while, and ending a relationship. You should be your priority, only then you will be able to give.


The vortex of negativity inside you needs a vent. But here is a word of caution! Do not open this vent on someone else and in a place that does not deserve it. Rather, convert it into something beautiful like an exotic piece of art, a splendid symphony, a delicious meal, a brilliant rune, a mystical song, a thrilling story, and the list goes on.

You will see many famous artists produce masterpieces only when they faced an unfathomable tragedy. Quoting here Vincent Van Gogh;

I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.”

You could also yield such mastery from the negativity inside you.

Everything takes a certain amount of time. The habit of channeling energy into better things requires patience and practice. But once you get the hang of the wheel it will be the best weapon in your arsenal.

